Xiaoliang(Toby) Zhu

TA & RA | Vanderbilt University

Cloud Office Platform - Back | Xiaoliang(Toby) Zhu

Cloud Office Platform - Back

The Cloud Office Platform is a full-stack project of an employee management platform with Role-Based Access Control. Here is the source code of this website back-end module.

Tech stack

Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Swagger2, MyBatis-Plus, MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, WebSocket, EasyPoi…

Getting start

There are two main modules in this project - the server module, which contains most of the functionalities, and the mail module, which contains the APIs to send emails. To get start, simply run the YebApplication. If you want the function of sending emails automatically to new employees, you should run the MailApplication simultaneously.

API documentatiom

This project uses Swagger2 to generate the API documentation. After running the YebApplication, you can go to localhost:8081/doc.html to check the documentation. (You may need to enter localhost:8081/doc.html?cache=1&lang=en for English website)


You need to login in order to test those APIs. First, go to the captcha-controller to get the captcha.


Then, go to the LoginController to login. There are 3 available username: ‘admin’, ‘taomeng’, and ‘naqiao’, and the passwords are all ‘123’. Use the second API to login.


After you get the token, go to the ‘Authorize’ section in the upper left corner. Enter ‘Bearer ‘ with the token that you just got. Don’t forget the SPACE between them! Click ‘Save’ to finish your login.


Now, you are free to test any APIs listed here!


Appreciate the channel “以代码为酒解忧愁” in Bilibili for helping me finish this project!

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